If this is your first introduction to our church or if you've only met with us on occasion let us take this occasion to say "Welcome!" We're glad you've taken the opportunity to learn more about us as Christ's church. We want to make you feel as welcome and comfortable as possible so we want to tell you up front some things you can expect here.
Everything we do, everything we teach is based on the Word of God and we strive to accomplish these things with the attitude of our loving Father.
About Us
The God of the Bible is an all powerful, all knowing, all loving being to whom we owe our very existence. Throughout scripture we see those who are faithful to Him spending time in worship.
Sunday Morning 10:00am
Life Groups - Call for information about Life Groups (940-668-7246)
What To Expect In Worship
At the beginning of each service there is a time of announcements. Such announcements include prayer requests of the congregation, opportunities to serve, and opportunities for fellowship.
We make it our aim to talk with God throughout our worship services. We invite him into our midst. We pray for healing and guidance. We ask for spiritual strength in the face of temptation. We pray for help to understand His will and His word. We solicit His power to the advance of the church. We lift him up with praise and adoration. We pray for many things and for many reasons trusting in the power of the One to whom we pray.
"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." -James 5:16
In the Bible, we find God's children lifting up praise through the avenue of song. Therefore we do likewise, singing both traditional and modern hymns in worship to God above. As we see the early church sing without the use instruments, we likewise make melody with the purity of our voices and our hearts.
"speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord" - Ephesians 5:19
Lord's Supper
Each week we take part in the memorial feast that Jesus instituted the night before his death. We eat unleavened bread as a reminder of his body that was lifted up on the cross. We also drink the fruit of the vine as a reminder of His blood that was shed that we might receive eternal forgiveness from above.
"And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, 'This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.' In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, 'This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.'" - Luke 22:19-20
Our time to gather is also a convenient time to take up a monetary collection in order to support the work of Christ's church, so we pass around collection baskets every week. Donations are completely voluntary.
"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9:7
Children's Church
During the sermon, young children have the opportunity to learn the Bible in an age appropriate and engaging manner in our Children's church. Activities include crafts, movies, and more.
Besides our worship service times on Sunday, we believe that the entirety of the Christian life is meant to be worship and praise to God. That glory is given through a life of obedience and righteous living. Therefore, in order to aid us on that walk, we provide a time to learn from God's word, made easily understood and touching by the gifts and abilities of our staff preacher.
"Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." - Psalm 119:105
After each sermon an invitation is offered to all in attendance. This invitation is meant to provide non-Christians a ready opportunity to accept Christ in faith and put Him on in baptism. If you decide to accept this invitation we have a heated baptistry full and ready for this magnificent occasion. If you are already a Christian this time is meant to be an opportunity for you to share your struggles with the church whether specifically or generally and solicit the powerful prayers of your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Bible Classes
On Sunday mornings and on Wednesday nights we provide time to study God's word as a group. During this time people from young to old meet with like aged people to read, discuss, and learn from the word of God. To get the most out of such meeting times, we suggest that you come prepared with your favorite translation of God's Word and an open mind ready and willing to listen to Him.
Sunday Morning 9:00am
Wednesday Night 7:00pm
Sunday Evening Life Groups - Call for information about Life Groups (940-668-7246)

Herman Alexander
Herman Alexander is an accomplished preacher, speaker and teacher of God’s word. Right now, Herman divides his time between his home in Dallas and serving as an instructor at the South Pacific Bible College in New Zealand. Herman also works with several local congregations in New Zealand and has made numerous trips to Cambodia to assist the work there.
Cambodia Bible School
In 1980 Sokhom Hun and his wife came to Dallas as refugees from Pol Pot’s murderous Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia. After becoming a Christian and serving as an Elder in a congregation of fellow refugees, Sokhom and his wife returned to Cambodia to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ there. Today, Sokhom is the director and primary instructor at the Cambodia Bible School in the capitol city of Phnom Penh. Sokhom also helps oversee a medical clinic located on the school grounds as well as holding regular leadership seminars for approximately forty to eighty house churches along the Cambodian/Viet Nam border.
Children's Homes
Hillcrest lends its support to several children’s homes in Texas and Oklahoma.
Boles Children’s Home in Quinlan, Texas
Christ’s Haven for Children in Keller, Texas
The Tipton Home for Children in Tipton, Oklahoma
Sunny Glen Children’s Home in San Benito, Texas
These facilities provide children and single-parent families with places that are safe, stable, loving and Christian. In this nurturing atmosphere, residents grow physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
DASH is a local non-profit organization that delivers hot lunches to approximately 100 homebound citizens of Gainesville each weekend and during the Holidays. Since 1990, volunteers from the Hillcrest congregation deliver those meals the third Sunday of each month. In addition, Hillcrest youth help pack the box lunches for delivery, and then go on the deliveries.
Our Hillcrest family is very involved in our community. VISTO is one of the centers we support. Several times a year we hold donation events to benefit VISTO. In the past we have collected crock pots, blankets, food and money for this worthy cause.
VISTO (Volunteers In Service To Others) was created in the 1980's by the Ministerial Alliance with the mission "to help people get through times of crises and enable them to get back on their feet." This is still our mission today. The primary way that we respond to that mandate is through food. VISTO operates and maintains Cooke County's emergency food bank.
Visit Visto's website for more information.
The youth program at Hillcrest is highly active. We have numerous ways for the kids to have fun, fellowship, and grow in Christ. We offer monthly devotionals, summer camps, retreats, the Lads to Leaders and Leaderettes program, as well as many service, and fun filled activities.

Band of Brothers
Band of Brothers is our men's ministry. This ministry will bring the men of the church together, using biblical guidance and instruction to build Christ-like character in them and train them in the areas of discipleship, evangelism and service.